Jun 25 2014
Water-The Third Rail Part IX
Hello, anybody home on the 11th floor of City Hall? It has been nearly a month since I mailed a letter to Mayor Falconer asking what his position is on the USEPA waiver. The letter is posted below and included a copy of the letter with a self-addressed envelope to save time. At a minimum perhaps a form letter will be forthcoming from a low-level staffer with thanks for interest in City government. But not so far. The unanswered letter must be languishing in the bottom of some staffer’s in-box.
The final decision for the expiring waiver and the actual waiver can be read in the highlighted links.
The calendar clock is running. There are exactly two hundred eighty-five point seven (285.7) working days from now until the USEPA waiver expires. The current waiver provides several levels of penalties, among them fines up to $25,000 per day if the City does not have a waiver in place when the current one expires. Is that interesting, but not fascinating? Milt Burgess
May 28, 2014
The Honorable Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer
City Administration Building
202 C Street, 11th Floor
San Diego, CA 92101
Reference: U S Environmental Protection Agency Pt. Loma Wastewater Plant Waiver
Dear Mayor Faulconer:
In 2015 the EPA current waiver for complying with the 1972 Clean Water Act expires for the Pt. Loma Wastewater Plant.
Given the City Council has the responsibility to apply or not apply for a new five year waiver, what is your position on this issue? To make it easy for you and/or your staff to reply I am enclosing a copy of this letter and a self-addressed envelope.
I realize water is a complicated issue, and the $3.5 billion estimated cost to upgrade the Pt. Loma Plant to meet EPA standards is a big number. However, you either do or you don’t support seeking another waiver. In the interest of disclosure, whatever your response is will be posted on the website www.water-shock.com.
Thank you for your attention to this question.
Very truly yours,
I support seeking a waiver.
I do not support seeking a waiver.
The Montanan
About Alumni at the University of Montana